an independent secure validation service for Polkadot and Kusama Networks operated by
Web3 researchers and engineers with a proven record in running reliable secure infrastructure.

Taking a security first approach, our infrastructure and devices is fortified by highest security practices and hardening.

All servers are continuously monitored. Operators are immediately alerted in case of any irregularity.

Our validators run on powerful serves so they can handle all aspects of validation task and not miss any reward.

None of our validators has ever been slashed for any reason including offline offenses or equivocation.

Our validators charge one of the lowest commission fees and are ranked among validators with highest payouts.

We payout automatically any outstanding reward to our nominators after each era.

Logs from all servers are shipped to a database for further review of validators’ performance and any recurring errors and possible improvements.

Backup validators are running to immediately take over faulty ones preventing any reward lost from our nominators.

Run by people designing Polkadot protocol with deep insight into machinery of Polkadot.

We are inclusive and unlike many other validator we do not kick (forcefully remove) our nominators.

We only run Validator Polkadot and its canary sister Kusama. This allows us to fully concentrate on the particularity of these networks.

We actively participate in the governance of the chain, council election and referendums

Kusama Validator Addresses:
Dionysus I:
Dionysus II:
Dionysus III:
Dionysus IV:
Dionysus V:
Dionysus VI

Due to the technical design of Polkadot, only about 20000 accounts with the highest balances can participate in the nomination process. It currently means that you need at least 200 DOT to be able to participate. From those nominators, only the 256 highest ones of each validator would receive a reward. If you are not aiming to stake as many DOT of the Dionysus Validator, then you are better off to participate in our nomination pool.
Dionysus Polkadot Nomination Pool currently nominates the Dionysus validator, as well, 15 other carefully selected validators. We choose only reliable independent operators who show a long period of validating on Polkadot with a history of zero slashing incidents to assure nominators’ gain without compromising the distributive health of the network.
To join the Dionysus Polkadot Nomination Pool, visit the Polkadot Staking Dashboard, click “Join” and search for “Dionysus” or “32”.
Alternatively, go to the Polkadot-JS Apps, scroll to pool 32 and then click “Join”.
You can learn more about Nomination pools on the Polkadot Wiki: Nomination Pools

You could also choose to nominate Dionysus validator directly. Here you could find the guide on how to nominate individual validators. If you have difficulty with the process do not hesitate to contact us and we are happy to help.